Shirley Hernandez

Shirley Hernandez

Janice Bennett

Janice Bennett

Jose Wilson

Jose Wilson

Louis Eckart

Louis Eckart

Carlos Horvat

Carlos Horvat

Emily Green

Emily Green

Jacqueline Alexander

Jacqueline Alexander

On 30th September 2016, 447 artists were rejected from the Castle Open. We are 13 of 447 rejected artists. Sometimes you apply for things and you don’t get them. And that’s fine. Sometimes you try really hard and you put in a lot of effort and you still don’t get them. Shit happens. Other times you apply on a whim and manage to get them. It’s a game of timings and of chances. Who was there and who wasn’t? Sometimes you have to make the chances yourself. This show is for a few of those who work really hard and still don’t get them. And if it can strike up some conversation about contemporary art in a relaxed setting that isn’t highbrow but is just salt of the earth company then we have already been successful.
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